Lou and I along with Krista, Steve and Michelle attended church last evening before we went to our family Christmas gathering at Shawn and Maegans.
We had a wonderful church candle lite service with many aspects to our service with a skit by the children, a special presentation by our adult choir, our pastor's wife presented a special musical number. Our pastor read us the story of the Fourth Wise Man which is a favorite of mine. We celebrated communion and closed our service by singing Silent Night and we were accompanied by Bruce Smith on his guitar. We all left our church wishing each other a Merry Christmas and promising each other we would see each other on Sunday.
Our family all quickly piled in our car and made a quick trip to Shawn and Maegan's house where the rest of the family were all awaiting our arrival for our family Christmas tree. The table was laden with snacks of all size, shape and taste. By the looks of everyone's gifts I would say, everyone was very much satisfied with all of their gifts and soon it was very evident there were some very tired little girls and maybe some adults also.
Tomorrow, Lou is going to fix his famous Prime Rib and I am going to fix the items that go with it. I have been trying to fix some of the things along, so there isn't so much to do tomorrow. I am improving, but it is a very slow process.
The picture of the couple that I am showing, is a couple that we camp in the SMART group with. We met them this week for lunch and it was so good to see them. Lou and I had really missed them and found that they had also missed us and we have made plans to meet up with them in January and then more throughout the summer. Good friends are one of God's great things.