Friday, December 11, 2009


All of you that really know me, know that I have several passions and yesterday I allowed one of those passions to overtake me. I absolutely love the smell of laundry hung outside and ALWAYS hang sheets outside. Well yesterday was a windy sunny day, although cold. I did all of my bedding, quilt, blankets, the works and hung on the line. Lou just sorta rolls his eyes, when I ask him not to make the bed, as I am going to wash the sheets, even if I did it the day before. I had always told myself, if I didn't have to work each day, I would have clean sheets each and every night, and we often are able to do that. When it is bed time and we pull the quilt to the bottom of the bed and get into those sheets, it makes all of it worthwhile. The memories of coming into the farmhouse I grew up in and the smell of freshly baking bread and sheets being warmed on the clothes bars after freezing dry on the outside lines are strong and precious memories. Do you suppose they will have fresh sheets for caskets???

While I was awaiting all of my laundry to finish, I used that time to make a favorite chicken recipe for dinner and stirred up an Apple Sour Cream Bundt Cake. I brought in home frozen green beans and took the snow off of my herb bed to find parsley and basil for a special green bean recipe that includes fresh mushrooms. Dinner underway, I tackled another passion, clean and orderly home at all times. After having DH here for three days and many outside activities, our home needed attention.

I even got to wrapping the presents that have arrived and need to await the arrival of more and can get the packages mailed to family outside of town. I was even able to get my tree decorated, thanks to Krista. She came in for a few minutes this afternoon and said we needed to do something for this little tree, so she put the lights on and I finally put the decorations on later.

Lou and Preston came home before 5:00 and brought with them huge appetites and cold bodies, no deer. One of the men that usually hunt with them hurt his back yesterday and didn't dare to try and walk in the woods, so my guys did a lot of walking today and both admitted it was a very cold day to hunt. So Scott, you didn't miss a thing today.

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