We really had a good time Saturday afternoon, travelling around on roads that we were unfamiliar with. Made me think of the adventures that Sue and Tim have with their jeep, when they go for rides.
Preston and I are all for using a GPS; however DH thinks that nothing compares to a map, in fact, he insists the map is best. So Pres and I took turns looking at the map with all of the back roads on it and gave directions that Lou followed NOT, I had been telling Pres about some of our adventures this winter and we all had a good laugh about it. Lou is devoted to his maps and reads them while driving or whenever, he thinks he knows where he wants to go then we come upon a road that looks right, or the compass says something different and we are off on some bunny trail to wherever. It was a fun time and we arrived back to the campsite just in time to let Estee out to potty and drive back to the restaurant where we were all meeting for dinner. It started raining about the time we got there and it continued all evening.
After our dinner out we went back to the RV, no campfire Saturday night, Pres showed us some of his pictures of Italy and then we enjoyed NCIS. Pres is also a fan, and we munched on popcorn, had showers and off to bed to read a bit. Every time Lou and I were awake during the night we were aware it was raining hard, and once I mentioned to Lou that they was a little stream behind our RV and our car was parked behind the RV. Pres and Lou had crossed the little bridge over the stream and walked up in the woods for a nice walk.
When we awoke Sunday morning, it became apparent that we would not be attending church and we decided to hurry along and get on the road home. Lou stepped out the front door to pick up a hanging basket of flowers that Brion and Janet had dropped of to us while we were off exploring, and he went over his shoe and a fourth of the way up on his pant leg. I took a chance on my cell phone and called Sue and Tim to see what it was like at home, and Tim said maybe a fourth of an inch of rain. He then told us that 10 campers in Chambersburg had to be rescued Sunday morning.
Preston was good to help his dad do the outside business and I prepared us some breakfast and got the inside ready to travel and we left for home about 10:00 and arrived in Mansfield at 4:15. I quickly transfered items from the RV to the car and got Preston's things to his car and we were ready to travel the rest of the way home. Preston had a three hour drive ahead of him.
All in all it was a nice weekend, just didn't have a lot of time to visit with other members due to the weather and my allergies.
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