You will note from the pictures our pheasant hen has stayed with us. I have put out a dish of sunflower seeds mixed with oatmeal and raisins and it seems that she likes all of it.
You will note that she wears very fashionable glasses. No one that I have talked to understands this; however, I remember when I was a child and living on our farm with my parents and raising broilers by the thousands, Daddy had a choice of having our baby chicks de-beaked or having them come with sun glasses all with the purpose of preventing the chicks from picking each other and drawing blood. My thought is that this pheasant was raised by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the idea that it would be released in the wild for hunting purposes in the fall and this was a lucky gal that escaped the hunter.
We have seen her fly back to the woods on occasion, but last night when we left for Bible study we noted she was snuggled up next to the house under a low bush and she was still there this morning. Lou is going to get some straw from the barn today and put down for her, as we are due for a snow storm tonight.
From the way things look she spent the night there when it was 22 degrees below zero on Monday night. She probably is safer and warmer there than in the woods across from the house. We have been enjoying watching her and we can walk out on the front deck and she just sits and watches us.
Lou and I have been taking advantage of this very cold weather, yesterday I spent the majority of the day, update medical records, getting them ready to travel, even had to update Estee's, but have them all done and ready to go.
Lou had to take his friend and his truck to the garage today, he had an accident so he had to have some body work done, and now the tractor needs more repair work done and it is tax time, for his friend, so need to start to think about that also.
I made home made pulled pork barbecue and a potato salad this morning for out dinner tonight with this heat wave, thought picnic food might taste good. Even made a delightful jello dessert.
Now it is time to get some lunch and want to work on some paper work this afternoon. Must get ready for the snow storm tomorrow!!
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