We left Benedicts at 10:30 this morning and drove to Williamsport to Sam's Club to fill the RV with gas, at $3.29 per gallon and then on to Western RV Village to spend the night. We got situated in our campsite and unhooked the car and drove to the base to pick up our medication for the next three months and grabbed a quick lunch at the PX and Lou got a hair cut. On to the Commissary to pick up a few groceries and back to the camp site.
Estee did really well at the RV while we were gone and was glad to see us and seemed to say, I remember this travelling thing, I get to take lots of walks and she was ready to go. Lou had purchased several new toys for her, a new ball and a new squeeky toy so she was a pleased puppy.
While I put things away Lou made a few adjustments to the RV and we received several phone calls, one from Lou's daughter and she and her family came out and brought our dinner to us. We enjoyed an evening eating and visiting with them. Brion and Casey were able to get our two televisions working, and that pleased Lou. They also brought us an electric cork screw extractor, which we will really enjoy, as Lou has problems with his wrists and struggles opening items, it seems that they always come up with very thoughtful gifts.
So tomorrow we are off for points further south. Don't know how far we will get, we are not going to hurry, taking our time and enjoy and rest as we go. Will post as we have internet available.
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