March 29th - Charleston, SC 92 degrees Very sunny and hot
We were up and on the road at 9:00 this morning, and had a good day of traveling. We traveled through Georgia quickly while listening to an audio book by Clive Cussler by the name of Lost Empire. It certainly helps the time to pass quickly. I think we have two CD to finish it up. We certainly have enjoyed many of our Christmas presents on this trip. We had received many gift cards for restaurants, book stores and music cd's and audio books and we have used all of them and enjoyed all of them.
We stopped at the South Carolina Welcome Center at noontime to have lunch and after we finished lunch and were ready to get back on the road, I happened to look out the side window and there was a "tree frog" on the window. The only thing I can think of is he must have been in the orchid plants that we purchased and finally got warmed up and came out to see the world. I picked him up in a napkin and Lou deposited him in a palm tree in South Carolina.
I couldn't help but think about Sue, Tim, Travis and Noell as we came around Parris Island, remembering when Travis took his basic training there, and it was so hot when he graduated. Everyone was so glad to leave that area. It certainly was hot when we came through there today also. Guys, we have reservations to stay at Cherry Point tomorrow night. Certainly wish, we were going to see all of you there and we could all go to The Sanitary again and enjoy all of your company and the great food also. Great memories were made there!!
Tonight while we were praying before dinner, a knock came to the door, when I opened the door, there standing at the door was a friend of Lou's that he used to fly with from Pittsburgh, he and his wife had been here for three days and they were on their way back home. We sat and chatted and made some plans for summer and for next winter. Small world indeed, certainly was good to see them again.
We have reservations for Saturday and Sunday nights at the Coast Guard Base in Elizabeth City, NC and then it will be coming on home as stopping when we have to. We will stop at Carlisle for our drugs.
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