Monday, April 8, 2013

Now I Know Spring is Here

Roto tilled Garden -  April 8th

Plowed Field - April 8th

To me these are great signs of spring in our area.  My brother started plowing the flat behind our house and he completed that task today.  I love to see freshly plowed fields.  When we commented on how nice the field looked, he said it was just right to plow.  Usually there is a spot below our barn that is wet and he has to wait until later to finish it us, but he was able to finish the entire field today.

Lou has our garden all rototilled and this afternoon he picked up three different varieties of onion sets to get planted, but we want to add some fertilizer, so they haven't gotten placed into the ground yet.  He spent the afternoon with a friend helping him get a new rototiller for himself and getting it unpacked and ready to work.

I had an appointment with my orthopedic doctor this morning and he feels that I have a problem that may need to have additional surgery to correct.  He gave me an injection today and placed the injection into three different sites and I will see how that works for a week and go back for the final decision.  I am continuing with the physical therapy and the exercises at home, but the pain is increasing.  This is not the news I wanted to hear, especially with the weather getting nice and I have so much that I want to do outside.  The good news is that my hips are staying in place and I am now working on strengthening the core of my body.  Lou and I were able to walk for thirty minutes today and that was a very big plus.

Lou and I are enjoying the new birds that are coming to the feeders each day.  Today we had the Purple Finches, and we have said goodbye to the Red Polls.  The Tree Swallows have also returned and they are trying to make friends with the Bluebirds and decide which house each are going to occupy.  Unfortunately, the Red Squirell has also returned and between Lou and Estee they are keeping him on the run.  

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