Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy Cows

October 21st - Monday - Beautiful Fall Day

With the "S" word in the weather report, everyone is anxious to get last minute things done before the weather turns cold.

My brother got the rest of the corn harvested from the flat behind our barn and hooked up the electric fence and got the cows out there to pick up the corn that was missed and did they ever love it, as did the turkeys and the bear.  All of which had to come and have a taste.  Jerry told me that he kept seeing where something was digging under the fence and today noticed that there was black hair in the fence and saw where the bear and sat and enjoyed the left over corn and a neighbor said he had to wait for the bear to cross the road the other evening.  As I was talking to Jerry we noticed two deer that had eaten all that they wanted and laid down for a snooze.  One of the many things that I love about living in the country.

Our former pastor called us today and he relayed to us how much they are enjoying living in the country without any close neighbors other than the animals that they watch each day, the solitude of retirement is certainly a time to enjoy God's creations. We certainly miss Pastor Keith and Kathy but are happy for them and so glad that Pastor Keith is getting some relief with his health problems.

Lou and I went to Carlisle on Thursday and picked up our three month's supply of medication, went to the PX and commissary, stopped at Ollies and  Sam's Club on our way home, made a long day, but we were able to do a little Christmas shopping at the PX.  Friday we had lunch with friends that we hadn't seen in many months and we spent the entire afternoon catching up with them.  Lou's friend is having tractor problems again, so he has spent time with him and finally had to ask another mechanic for help and has spent several evenings working on that.  Seems like we take this project on every year just before cold weather, hunting season and going to Florida.  Hopefully, it will be solved quicker this time.

Think I finally have all of my flowers cut off, even though still haven't had a frost, in fact, I picked green beans tonight and pulled radishes and we still have tomatoes ripening, probably this week will be the end of the garden and then I can start on my fall house cleaning.  I am hoping the doctor can do something with my shoulder so I can clean, as of right now, I use my left arm for everything.

I am looking forward to Wednesday, as I am going to Maegan's house to do crafty things with the great-grandkids that aren't old enough to go to school.  She mentioned white sugar cookies, turkeys from construction paper and leaves.  Noell, and Sue are going to join us also, sounds like a fun afternoon.

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