Well my day at the beach never materialized. We were awakened by a phone call from Lou's sister telling us that some one in a stolen truck and damaged his driveway and side yard and there was to be an inquest on Monday to determine financial loss, so we spent some time on the phone with my landscaper to make arrangements for him to go out and do an estimate and to be e-mailed to me and then in turn I will e-mail to Lou's son and he will appear at the inquest, as the property is in his name.
I took advantage of the many phone calls and made arrangements to have my spring yard work taken care of in May when we return. I neglected many things in my yard last year trying to help Lou with his lawn and flowers, so this year will have to spent hours getting things back in order. We didn't do any painting or staining last year, so it all awaits our return also. I will also have my front walk reestablished, as the water has washed most of the leveling sand away, so will take care of that this spring prior to the ground cover getting fully established again.
Lou and I have talked to great deal in what we should do, have even thought of selling property and downsizing, and just traveling, but find it very hard to make sound decisions this late in life. Thankfully, God knows it all and we will continue to pray for guidance and a clear path.
After the phone calls were taken care of yesterday, we needed to go to the base for groceries and such and Lou had so much he wanted to show me, that time just left, and me without my camera and by the time we got home it was 5:00 and so much for the beach.
We had purchased fresh shrimp and enjoyed them with yellow rice and black beans for dinner with some wonderful coleslaw. We waited until later for our dessert. Darn NCIS, four hours last night, and now I KNOW why I didn't have TV. Just can't seem to find the off button.
The pictures are of a view down our street, going towards the marina, views of the beach,
a picture of Lou chasing an Armadillo, a tree with much spanish moss on it, the flowers are
Jacob's coat.
We have already had our three mile walk. We can do it much quicker by not taking Estee, her leg isn't improving, and she does seem to enjoy laying outside on the patio. Lou has put our the large awning to keep the afternoon sunshine out. Today, I going to clean some cupboards and hopefully get some things accomplished.
We bought a ham to fix for dinner tomorrow and want to make another Key Lime Pie for dessert. We are going to attend the Sunrise Service on the ocean.
the key to NCIS, its not the OFF button its the ON button, once its on it stays on. Don't feel badly because of it, I was up till 3 am watching "Criminal Minds" on A&E last night.Then up at 8 for motorcycle ride and flower bed work. I keep telling myself I will learn not to watch TV but it hasnt happened yet.. :)