Tuesday, September 14, 2010

National SMART Muster --5-

September 12th - Sunday
Day 5 National SMART Muster - Centre Hall, PA

We were awakened during the night by heavy rain, and as we travel along with our morning activities it is a misty rain, one that moved our morning worship activities inside. More on that later……

Last evening was our presentation of One Nation Under God. I am going to include many pictures of the presentation, as it was outstanding and certainly enjoyable by the huge number of people in attendance. We have taken Estee to all of the outside activities, as she is shut up all day in the RV, we felt guilty leaving her at night also. She is so good, we take our own lawn chairs and her blanket and she lays in Lou’s lap and takes in all of the sights, and never a peep out of her. On these cool evenings, Lou wraps her up in her blanket and she snuggles down with a little sigh that lets him know she is content.

Last evening’s production went on for over an hour. The narrative part of the program was done by a gentleman dressed as George Washington and he gave the complete history of our country along with the history of the many flags the United States have had. All of the presenters of the flags were dressed in the proper costume of that era which made the pageant very meaningful. For the entire program patriotic music was playing the background. At the end they presented the flags for all of the branches of the service and had all of the members of each branch stand. I don’t think I ever felt more proud to be an American than I did at that point. It was a fabulous evening and one that will stand in my memory for years to come.

This morning after breakfast our church service consisted of a four man quartet from Maryland and they sang all southern gospel music, so those of you that know me, know that this was also a highlight of my National Muster. I was just what I needed to make my week here complete. I sang right along with them, as the songs sung were all ones that I knew. The message was right out of a southern revival meeting. It is alright to be a good person and do good things; however, that isn’t going to get you into Heaven, you must accept Christ as your savior and repent of your sins and then we are guaranteed a mansion in Heaven with our savior. Praise God for that one faithful promise.

We had a catered lunch today, and I will work my shift of l:00 to 5:00,dinner is on our own this evening and our closing program at 7:00 this evening. Tomorrow our group the Keystoners will clean up and put things away here at the fairgrounds. We are all going out to dinner tomorrow evening in State College and then be ready to hook up and start for home Tuesday morning.

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