Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mama Kyte's Stack Apple Cake

Tuesday - July 9th Cloudy and humid

When my deceased husband and I were first married he talked about his mother's "Stack Apple Cake" and how his family always looked forward to her making it.  They would all pitch in and help her peel apples in the fall for her to dry in hopes that later in the winter she would make her famous cake.  

When I met his sister for the first time, I asked her if she would share the family recipe with me and she told me she would be happy to pass it along to me.  The first time I made it my family fell in love with it also.

Krista recently dried some apples and asked me if I would make her a cake and we had to make substitutes due to the allergies in her family, but it still worked out fine.  I thought I would share the original recipe with you folks and show you how I make it.  Hope you will try it and enjoy it as much I we do.

This recipe dates back to pre-civil war time and was made by many of the slaves for their masters families.

The dry apples cooked down with the sugar and spices added

Beating the shortening and sugar and eggs

The dough divided in seven equal pieces ready for the pans

I pat the dough into the greased and floured pans

Adding the apples to each layer after the layer has cooled

The Recipe:
2 Cups White Sugar
1 Cup Shortening
2 Eggs
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1/2 Cup Buttermilk
6 Cups Flour
1 Teaspoon Soda
3 Teaspoon Baking powder
1 Teaspoon Salt

Cream sugar and shortening together, add eggs one at a time beating well after each addition.
Sift flour, measure with dry ingredients.  Add dry ingredients alternating to batter with buttermilk and vanilla.
Divide into six or seven parts and pat into well greased and floured nine inch round pans and bake 10 - 12 minutes in oven at 450 degrees.
Spread each layer with dried apple filling with the exception of the top layer.  I sprinkle the top layer with confectionery sugar prior to serving.  
Let cake stand for 12 -24 hours prior to serving.  Cake flavors with age.

Dried Apple Filling
1 Pound dried apples
1 Cup Brown sugar
1/2 Cup White sugar
2 Teaspoon Cinnamon
1/2 Teaspoon Cloves
1/2 Teaspoon Allspice

Wash apples, cover apples with water and cook until tender.  Mash thoroughly.
Add both kinds of sugar and spices.  Cool before spreading between layers.

1 comment:

  1. I am so very happy that you agreed to make this for me, thank you again! It will be a WONDERFUL birthday cake. you are the greatest, mom.
