Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Trip to the Vet

April 7th - Thursday - Sunny - 80 degrees.

We were up early, as Estee had an appointment with Dr. Ginex at 8:00 AM. I had mentioned that she had been having problems and those of you that have been following our blog for some time know that she has had problems for some time and has been followed by our vet in Wellsboro/Mansfield and had recently been placed on a special diet after extensive blood work had been completed.

Last Friday, our neighbors here at MacDill had agreed to take her out several times for "potty" breaks while we were at the air show, and when we returned they stated she had diarrhea while we were gone and this continued during the weekend, in spite of us with holding food and just giving her fluids and ice. Sunday night Lou and I were up most of the night with her and it was very obvious from the blood she was passing, she had irritated her colon. We called the Vet Office on base on Monday morning and they stated they couldn't get her in until next week and I stated that was not acceptable so they suggested Dr. Ginex and stated she was located outside of the main gate to the base, and I had noted her clinic on one of our outings.

I called her office and spoke to Mary, her receptionist, that I learned had been with her since Dr.
Ginex opened her practice, stated they were booked full for the day, but if we wanted to come over they would work us in, so we took our records that Dr. Suresh had prepared for us in PA to bring with us and all three of us set off for the Clinic in South Tampa. It only took a few minutes to arrive at the clinic and we were greeted by Mary and filled out the necessary information and we were made very comfortable in their spacious and bright waiting room. We were offered fresh drinking water. It wasn't long until we were taken into an examining room where the medical history was completed by a technician and Estee as encouraged to get down and run around.

In a few minutes Dr. Ginex came in. A lovely gal, with curly long hair, very personable personality that put both pet and owner at ease immediately. She went over the history and asked many questions, and after reviewing everything both on paper and what Lou and I had to share with her, she asked if she could call and talk with our Vet's office at home, she had a tech call and get some results of "in house" studies that were done, and once again we went over things. Finally, she looked at Lou and I and asked " can I just start over again?" She felt things just didn't add up. We both agreed, we needed to get to the bottom of Estee's problems, not just a moment's cure. Currently, she is off the special diet food and eating rice and hamburg and of course, she loves that, and the water consumption is much less.

We came away with medication to treat the diarrhea which has taken care of the problem, along with probiotics, medication for an aged bladder, a joint supplement in addition to what we give her and an appointment to go back today for additional lab work.

We went back today and we were met at the door by Dr. Ginex and she drew blood to check Estee's CBC, Free T4 (thyroid) Superchem, and UA. Her last Triglycerides was over 1000 and it should be 29 -291.

We will have the results of this tomorrow, and then we will know what diet she should be on and what we can expect in the future. Lou and I are firm believers in "everything happens for a reason" and this is just another example of this.

A huge thank you to Dr. Ginex and her staff for caring about Estee and taking good care of her.

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