Friday, January 25, 2013

Two Projects Completed

January 25th - Friday - 15 degrees and snowing

Using steel wool on light
Today was the day to finish projects, as we both have a couple of new things we want to start.  Lou had to get more paint to finish the light for the bedroom, and he picked that up yesterday afternoon.  This morning he used steel wool on what he painted yesterday and gave it another coat of paint and then late this afternoon we put it back in place. Now my new Billy Jacobs picture shows up much better.

I use this spot above our bed to display my favorite Billy Jacob pictures.  I found this new print of his this winter and it is called "Winter Coat".  He is one of my very favorite artists and we have many of his painting throughout our house.  Previously I had a favorite of Lou's of a brick house that goes nicely in our bedroom and soon it will be time to have spring pictures.  Have you noticed that our days are getting much longer.

This afternoon Lou took the car to Sheetz to fill it with gas, along with the gas cans, as it was the last day to use out points and we were able to get $1.70  per gallon off and certainly didn't want to lose out on that.  While he was gone I worked on my antique lady doll and I finished her up.  Don't know that I would make another one.  Something about sandpapering nice fabric that goes against my grain.  She certainly is primitive and the deal making her look dirty, that was different also.  Oh, well now I can go on to something different.

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